Organising in the time of Covid-19: Experiences of Uganda

Organising in the time of Covid-19: Experiences of Uganda

I spoke with Lyn Ossome, Senior Research Fellow at the Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR), Makerere University, in Uganda. She received her PhD in Political Studies from Wits University. Her specializations and taught courses are in the fields of feminist political economy and feminist political theory, with particular research interests in land and agrarian […]

Organising in the time of COVID-19: Eco-feminist perspectives

Organising in the time of COVID-19: Eco-feminist perspectives

Ruth Nyambura is a feminist political ecologist and activist from Kenya working on the intersections of gender, economy and ecological justice. Ruth is a founding member and the convener of the African Ecofeminists Collective and also works with several regional agrarian and climate justice movements to track and challenge the privatization of the agrarian commons. […]

Organising on incarceration in the times of Covid-19

Organising on incarceration in the times of Covid-19

I spoke with Soffiyah Elijah, ED of Alliance for Families for Justice, whose mission is to support, empower and mobilize those impacted by the criminal justice system so they can marshal their collective power to create a just world. We discuss organising on incarceration in the time of Covid-19 in the USA and specifically in […]

Food in the time of Covid-19

Food in the time of Covid-19

I talk with Andries du Toit: Director: Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of Western Cape. Food in the time of the Coronavirus: Why we should be very, very afraid. We talk about why we should be “very, very afraid”.

Key Messages for COVID-19 from WIEGO

This message comes from Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO)  raising really important “KEY MESSAGES for COVID-19. Please share. Dear All – WIEGO’s focus, as ever, is on drawing attention to the fact that most of the world’s work is informal and that the assumptions about what policies and advice are best to follow, […]

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