Radical pathways out of global crises

I discuss the radical pathways out of the global crisis with Ashish Kothari. Ashish is founder-member of Indian environmental group Kalpavriksh, taught at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, coordinated India’s National Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan process, served on Greenpeace International and India Boards, helped initiate the global ICCA Consortium. Participated in people’s movements including Narmada Bachao Andolan; helps coordinate the Vikalp Sangam (www.vikalpsangam.org) and Global Tapestry of Alternatives (www.globaltapestryofalternatives.org) processes and Radical Ecological Democracy network (www.radicalecologicaldemocracy.org). Has (co)authored or (co)edited many books, including Churning the Earth: Making of Global India (with Aseem Shrivastava), Alternative Futures: India Unshackled (ed., with KJ Joy), and Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary (ed., with Ariel Salleh, Arturo Escobar, Federico Demaria, Alberto Acosta).
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