Bongoman Strikes Gold

Co-publisher:Zand Press
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Bongoman bumps into his perpetually broke friend, Rastafasta, driving a flashy car. Rastafasta discloses the secret to his new-found wealth; he is involved in the gold trade. There is a thriving gold business in the mines of Ikolomani, a bustling little town about 350 km from the city. Bongoman embarks on an epic journey to this Eldorado, with dreams of making big money. Halfway through the journey, the bus breaks down and impatient to get to his destination, he disembarks and continues the journey on foot. He jogs through hills and valleys, hour after hour and finally, thirsty and exhausted he finds himself in a dingy bar where he ingests a potent alcoholic brew unknowingly. Shaken but unfazed he continues his journey which is cut short after a gang of robbers posing as passengers hijack the passenger van he is travelling in. After a decisive reckoning with Bongoman, the robbers find themselves behind bars as Bongoman walks away with a hefty bounty derived from their capture. This windfall quickly evaporates after the crafty van driver spikes his drink. He finally arrives at the gold mines of Ikolomani and to his utter dismay, finds that all is not a bed of roses…

ISBN Print: 978-1-998309-18-4
Publication Date: November 2024
Page Count: 86
Binding Type: Soft Cover
Trim Size: 11 x 8.5 in
Language: English
Colour: Black and White

USD $ 14.00


James Kamawira, who uses the pseudonym Kham, began his career in cartoons in 1988 when he joined the Kenya Times newspaper as a political commentator/illustrator. Before that, he worked in an advertising agency, Hill Ayton, where he honed his skills…

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