Haiti in the time of Covid-19

I speak to Joël E. Vorbe from Haiti. He is a member of the National Council for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled (CONARHAN), an entity which reflects on the problem of people living with disabilities in order to make proposals for public policies to improve their living conditions. This fan of Fidel Castro, of Nelson Mandela, is also a member of the board of the Fanmi Lavalas party of ex-president Jean Bertrand Aristide. In 1995, he said he had “eyes open on politics”. “If you want real change, you have to commit,” says Joel Vorbe, deploring the pressures on the family of those who engage in politics. On Jean Bertrand Aristide, the most popular politician of the last few years, adulated and hated, Joël Vorbe is sharp in his answer: “Aristide, the man who wants and fights for the change of his country has not changed . He has a role to play in changing Haiti. ” With another breath, he emphatically emphasizes “that a single man cannot change a country”.

Comment (1)

malaika h kambon
malaika h kambon
May 13, 2020

This is a very powerful interview and should be spread far and wide to build more and more international solidarity with the grassroots people of Haiti.

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