For the love of the struggle: Memoirs from El Salvador

This book launch is a conversation between Andrés and Brian Murphy.


Comment (1)

Gena Corea
Gena Corea
March 2, 2021

This is a powerful interview, both thought-and-feeling provoking. One of Andres’ motivations for writing the book, he explains, was to fulfill a debt to those who loved him and suffered when they did not understand his anger at his country and his countrymen for the injustices perpetrated in Central America. It’s a big thing: going back and trying this time to empathize with those we had seen as perpetrators and to take our loved ones with us in our experiences and our evolution. That’s the first of his three motivations. The other two–well, do listen to Andres himself. He is eloquent. What a beautiful book he has written.

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