Fanon, the struggle for justice and mental health
This is the second in the series of interviews with authors of chapters in the recently published Fanon Today: Reason and Revolt of the Wretched of the Earth. On this occasion, the editor – Nigel C. Gibson – and the publisher of Daraja Press, Firoze Manji discuss with authors Samah Jabr, Elizabeth Berger, Rosemere Fereira da Silva, Miraj U. Desai and Deivison Mendes Faustino about their perspectives.
Samah Jabr is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist living in East Jerusalem, serving as the Head of the Mental Health Unit within the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
Elizabeth Berger is a child psychiatrist living in New York and a found- ing/steering committee member of the USA-Palestine Mental Health Network (https://usapalmhn.com/).
Rosemere Ferreira da Silva is Titular Professor at the State University of Bahia (Universidade do Estado da Bahia / UNEB), where she has taught since 2012. She is a specialist in Brazilian Literature, Afro- Brazilian Literature, Comparative Literature and Ethnic and African Studies.
Miraj U. Desai is a writer, psychologist, activist, dancer, artist, and author of Travel and Movement in Clinical Psychology: The World Outside the Clinic. He is on the faculty of the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, an organization committed to advancing social and health justice.
Deivison Faustino is an anti-racist researcher and disseminator of Frantz Fanon’s thought in Brazil.

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