Social Media and Capitalism

Book Launch for ‘Social Media & Capitalism’

Speaker: Suddhabrata Deb Roy, Indian scholar and activist

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This meeting will celebrate the publication of Suddhabrata Deb Roy’s ‘Social Media & Capitalism: People, Communities, and Commodities’ (Daraja Press, April 2022).

Technology is one of the central elements of contemporary human life. The world as one knows it today is a space increasingly mediated by technological interventions, be it in the field of contemporary cultural expressions or political, organizational forms. Social media has played an important role in this transformation. Gone are the days when social media was merely a conduit for conversations. Today, it is a diverse field of operations spanning advertising mechanisms, branding processes and even direct commercial exchanges between users: the prime focus of this particular book. The book analyses real-world interactions, interviews and observations through the theoretical framework provided by Marxist political economy and social theory. It draws upon the theoretical scope provided by Marx’s dialectical methods of social analysis and uses it to unearth the effects that trading and commercial activities performed through virtual communities have on society and individuals.

Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

More information: <[email protected]>

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May 08 2022


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
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